Blogger Meta Description || Description On Google | How to Add Meta Tags Description to Blogger

 Are you fighting for your position in search engines? Today I'm going to share with you an amazing secret that can help you grow your ****** 200%. This is another post for Blogspot users. Here's how to add meta tags to each blogger's post and improve your SEO.

Meta tags play an important role in the SEO level of your website. Search engines such as Google rank your location based on the quality of the meta tags you use. There are tons of other things that look for better SEO and meta tags for one of them.

See the Step-by-Step Guide to Start a Free Blog on Blogger


What are Meta tags?

1. Search Definition

2. Meta Keywords

Step-by-step installation of meta tags for each Blogger post

Method 1: By adding meta tags to Blogspot Theme

Step 1: Blogger Dashboard >> Themes >> Edit HTML

Step 2: Search code: <b: include data = 'blog' name = 'all-head-content' />

Method 2: Enable search definition in each Blogger post

Step 1: Visit Blogger Dashboard >> Settings >> Search Preferences

Step 2: Click Yes & Save

Step 3: Check whether the Search Description is enabled or not?

The conclusion

What are Meta tags?

Meta tags are HTML tags placed at the header of any web page. Search engines use these tags to rank any web page. Meta tags are found in the main section of a web page. As shown below:

<head> Meta tags go HERE </head>

Other important parts of the meta tag are:

1. Search Definition

For meta description tags, you can use a brief description of your blog post (or webpage). Search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing use this meta description to appear in their search list.

According to Moz, the correct search definition should be between 50 and 300 characters. It should not be too long. The structure of the meta description should be similar to the one below:

<meta content = 'HERE you can add a Summary of your blog posts. ‘Name =” description ”/>

2. Meta Keywords

Meta keywords in another type of meta tag help search engines by telling them the page title. You can add keywords that visitors can search for before visiting your blog. The standard structure of meta keywords is shown below:

<meta content = 'Your keywords here' name = "keywords" />

If you want to enter more than one keyword, simply separate each one with a comma (,).

Examples of meta tags that include meta description and meta keywords are shown below:

<meta content = ”When you start your free blog on Blogspot, you will get a free domain for your blog. In general, domain design is similar to ”Name =” meaning “/>

<meta content = "free blog for blogger, how to create a free blog for blogger, add a domain name to blogger" name = "keywords" />

These are all basics you should know about meta tags. Now let's move on to our main topic namely How to add meta tags to each blogger's post. So let's get started.

See: HTML Basics Every Blogger Should Know!


Step-by-step installation of meta tags for each Blogger post

There are two ways you can add meta tags to each blogger's post. The first is more effective than the second. But I recommend that you use both strategies so that you can easily increase your SEO level.

Method 1: By adding meta tags to Blogspot Theme

This is the most effective way to add meta tags to each blogger's post. All you need to do is edit the HTML of your Blogspot theme and add meta tags for each blogger's post to it. Before editing HTML for your theme, be sure to back up your Blogspot theme.

See: How to add a custom theme to Blogger?

Follow the steps below to use this method:

Step 1: Blogger Dashboard >> Themes >> Edit HTML

First, visit your Blogger Dashboard. Point your mouse in the theme section and click Edit HTML. You can also see the screenshot below:


Step 2: Search code: <b: include data = 'blog' name = 'all-head-content' />

Next you need to press Ctrl + F and search for the code above (e.g. <B: include data = 'blog' name = 'all-head-content' />).

Enter the code below just after the code above:

<b: if cond = 'data: blog.url == "URL OF YOUR BLOG POST"'> <meta content = 'SEARCH DESCRIPTION' name = 'description' /> <meta content = 'META KEYWORDS' name = 'keywords '/> </ b: uma>

You can also see the screenshot below:

Be sure to make the following changes:

Replace YOUR URL BLOG POST with a link to your post.

Change the SEARCH DESCRIPTION with a summary of your post (50 to 300 characters).

Enter META keywords for keywords that you want your post to be at your level (separate keywords with commas).

After making the following changes, simply press the Save Theme button. If you want to add meta tags to more than one blogger post, simply click on the Enter key and enter another code below the code above.

See: How to Get a Free Domain Name for Your Blog?

Method 2: Enable search definition in each Blogger post

This way, you need to enable the search box for each Blogger post. Let's see a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

Step 1: Visit Blogger Dashboard >> Settings >> Search Preferences

First, visit your Blogger dashboard and visit the following settings: Settings >> Search preferences and just click Edit [Disabled] before the description in the Meta tags section.

Step 2: Click Yes & Save

After clicking Edit, you must select Yes from these two options. When you click yes, a search box appears You can add a meta description of the homepage or just leave it and click Save Changes.


After you have saved the following changes, it is time to check the search box is enabled or not. For this, you need to follow step 3.

Step 3: Check whether the Search Description is enabled or not?

Now, let’s explore the search definition by editing any existing blogger posts. Edit any posts by your blogger, if the search description is enabled you can see them as shown in the image below.

You can easily add a meta description to each blogger's post this way. Please note that you cannot add meta keywords differently in the second method.

See: Beginner's Guide in Blogger Post Editor

With the two methods above, you can easily add meta tags to each blogger's post. As meta tags are very important in SEO. So adding meta tags to each blogger's post can help you improve your SEO. Now it's time to move on to the end of this post.

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The conclusion

Meta tags play an important role in search engine performance. In the post above, I talked about two ways you can add meta tags to posts by blogger users and increase your SEO ranking. Yes, I recommend that you use both methods to get better results.

If you know of a way to add meta tags to individual bloggers, feel free to drop your comments in the comments section. Help your friends by sharing this post.

Blogger Meta Description || Description On Google | How to Add Meta Tags Description to Blogger Blogger Meta Description || Description On Google | How to Add Meta Tags Description to Blogger Reviewed by Shaikh Adnan Hussain (Ajmer) on April 29, 2021 Rating: 5

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